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Balancing a full-time job and maintaining a clean house can feel like an impossible task, right? Trust me, I get it. After a long day at work, the last thing you want to do is come home to a messy house. But don’t worry, I’ve got some practical tips to help you keep your home tidy without sacrificing all your free time. So, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s your thing), and let’s dive into these game-changing tips on How to Keep House Clean While Working Full Time.

Create a Cleaning Schedule

First things first, let’s talk about creating a cleaning schedule. It might sound boring, but having a plan can make all the difference. Break down your cleaning tasks into manageable chunks and spread them out over the week. For example:

  • Monday: Dusting and wiping surfaces
  • Tuesday: Vacuuming and mopping floors
  • Wednesday: Cleaning the kitchen
  • Thursday: Bathrooms
  • Friday: Laundry
  • Saturday: Decluttering
  • Sunday: Relax and enjoy your clean home!

By doing a little bit each day, you won’t feel overwhelmed by a massive cleaning spree on the weekend.

Declutter Regularly

Clutter is the enemy of a clean house. The more stuff you have, the harder it is to keep things tidy. Make it a habit to declutter regularly. Go through your belongings and ask yourself if you really need or love each item. Donate, recycle, or toss anything that doesn’t cut.

A great tip is to keep a donation box in a closet or garage. Whenever you come across something you no longer need, toss it in the box. Once it’s full, take it to your local charity.

Adopt the “One Minute Rule”

The “one-minute rule” is a game-changer for keeping your house clean. If a task takes less than a minute to complete, do it right away. This includes things like:

  • Putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher
  • Hanging up your coat
  • Wiping down the bathroom sink
  • Tossing junk mail

These small tasks add up and can make a big difference in maintaining a tidy home.

Invest in Quality Cleaning Tools

Having the right tools can make cleaning much easier and more efficient. Invest in high-quality cleaning supplies that will get the job done quickly and effectively. Some must-haves include:

  • A powerful vacuum cleaner (preferably with attachments for different surfaces)
  • Microfiber cloths for dusting and wiping
  • A mop with washable pads
  • A good broom and dustpan
  • All-purpose cleaner

If you’re in Vancouver, check out local stores for eco-friendly house cleaning Vancouver products that are safe for your home and the environment. Supporting local businesses is always a win!

Delegate Tasks

If you live with family or roommates, don’t be afraid to delegate tasks. Everyone should pitch in to keep the house clean. Create a chore chart and assign tasks to each person. This not only lightens your load but also teaches responsibility and teamwork.

For those with kids, get them involved in age-appropriate chores. Even young children can help with tasks like picking up toys, making their beds, or wiping down surfaces.

Set a Timer

Sometimes, the hardest part of cleaning is just getting started. To combat this, set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes and tackle as much as you can in that time. You’d be surprised at how much you can accomplish in a short burst of focused effort. This method is especially useful for those days when you’re feeling particularly tired or unmotivated. Once the timer goes off, you can stop cleaning and reward yourself with a break.

Clean As You Go

One of the best ways to keep your house clean is to clean as you go. This means taking a few extra seconds to tidy up while you’re doing other tasks. For example:

  • Wipe down the kitchen counters while you’re cooking
  • Rinse out the sink after brushing your teeth
  • Pick up clothes and put them in the laundry hamper instead of leaving them on the floor

By incorporating these small habits into your daily routine, you’ll prevent messes from piling up and make cleaning feel less daunting.

Hire a Professional Cleaning Service

Sometimes, life gets too busy, and you just need a little extra help. That’s where a professional cleaning service comes in handy. If you’re in Vancouver, there are plenty of options for house cleaning services that can give your home a thorough clean, saving you time and stress. Hiring a cleaning service doesn’t mean you’re lazy or incapable. It’s a practical solution for busy professionals who want to maintain a clean home without sacrificing their limited free time. Plus, coming home to a professionally cleaned house is incredibly satisfying!

Incorporate Cleaning into Your Daily Routine

Finding small pockets of time to clean during your day can make a big difference. For example, while you’re waiting for your coffee to brew in the morning, wipe down the kitchen counters. During a commercial break, dust the living room. These little moments add up and can help you stay on top of your cleaning tasks without feeling overwhelmed.

Set Realistic Expectations

It’s important to set realistic expectations for yourself. Your home doesn’t have to be spotless all the time. Focus on keeping it clean enough to be comfortable and inviting. Allow yourself some grace and remember that life is busy. Prioritize the areas that matter most to you and let go of the pressure to have a perfectly clean home 24/7.

Involve the Whole Family

Keeping the house clean shouldn’t fall on one person’s shoulders. If you have a family, get everyone involved. Assign age-appropriate chores to your kids and make cleaning a fun activity. You can turn it into a game or play their favorite music to keep the energy high. Couples share the responsibilities and support each other in maintaining a tidy home. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Use Storage Solutions

Effective storage solutions can make a huge difference in keeping your home organized. Invest in storage bins, baskets, and shelves to keep everything in its place. Label containers so everyone knows where things go.

In the kitchen, use drawer dividers and pantry organizers to keep items neatly arranged. In the living room, have designated spots for remote controls, books, and magazines. The more organized your home is, the easier it will be to keep it clean.

Stay on Top of Laundry

Laundry can quickly pile up and become overwhelming. To avoid this, do a load of laundry regularly instead of waiting for it to accumulate. Set a specific day or time for laundry, or tackle a load every few days.

Sort your laundry as you go to save time later. Have separate hampers for whites, darks, and delicates. This way, when it’s time to do laundry, you can easily grab a hamper and start a load without having to sort through everything.

Keep Cleaning Supplies Handy

Having cleaning supplies readily accessible makes it easier to tackle messes as they happen. Keep a small caddy with essential cleaning products in each room or area of your home. This way, you won’t have to go searching for supplies when you need them. In the bathroom, keep a spray bottle of all-purpose cleaner and a microfiber cloth under the sink. In the kitchen, have dish soap, a sponge, and surface cleaner within reach. Being prepared will make it more convenient to clean up spills and messes right away.

Reward Yourself

Lastly, don’t forget to reward yourself for your efforts. Keeping your house clean while working full-time is no small feat, and you deserve some recognition! Treat yourself to something you enjoy, whether it’s a relaxing bath, a good book, or a night out with friends. Remember, the goal is to create a clean and comfortable living space without burning yourself out. Celebrate your successes and take pride in your tidy home.

If you’re curious about how to clean small spaces, just visit our blog page and read our “Small Space Living in Vancouver: Apartment Cleaning Hacks” post now! 

Final Thoughts

Keeping your house clean while working full-time is a challenge, but with the right strategies, it’s doable. By creating a cleaning schedule, decluttering regularly, and involving the whole family, you can maintain a tidy home without sacrificing all your free time. If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, remember that professional cleaning services in Vancouver are always an option. Sometimes, a little extra help is all you need to keep things under control.

Ready for a spotless home without the hassle? Let Proclean handle your house cleaning in Vancouver, so you can enjoy more free time and a pristine living space. Contact us today and experience the magic of a professionally cleaned home!

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