Tell us what kind of service you need. Add details about the size of your home, apartment or business. And, how often you would like your service; weekly, biweekly, monthly, one time, moving in clean or move out clean. Contact Us today!
Main Office: Vancouver, BC
Phone: 778-710-7762

100% Satisfaction Guarantee : if you are not satisfied with our service, you may contact us within 24 hours of your service and we will fix the areas we missed at no extra charge for up to 20 min. If more cleaning is required and outside the area of complaint, we will charge in increments of 1hr.
Your satisfaction is our priority. We require an after service walkthrough with the cleaners to ensure that your expectations are met. If you are not satisfied, you may contact us or you can communicate it right away with the cleaners so they can correct it right then and there.
$90 / hr with 2 cleaners
$135 / hr with 3 cleaners
$30 for appliances(oven, microwave and/or fridge)